Johnson's Sharing Garden
Welcome to Our Garden
Each year we plant the raised bed between the sidewalk and our driveway. We hope to bring a little happiness to our neighbors, one vegetable at a time. Please enjoy!!
The Johnson's
Garden Map
In the left section, you'll find different herbs, including: Sage, Oregano, Chives, Rosemary, Thyme, and Green Onions.
The middle section is planted with various hot peppers, radishes and beets.
The right section is planted with tomatoes, basil, and cherry tomatoes.
What's In Season?
This delicious herb is a perfect topping on baked potatoes or grilled meats.
Here's more from the Food Network.
The purple flowers are edible and can be tossed in a salad.
English Thyme
Thyme is used in dressings, rubs, oven-roasted meats, soups, and stews.
English thyme grows well in our climate and provides a mid-spring meal for local pollinators.
Green Onions
Green onions are another of my favorite vegetables; they are delicious in homemade pasta sauce, a light salad, or on top of baked potatoes.
The oregano can be found in the terracotta-colored pot; it tends to take over a garden if it is not contained.
Oregano is used in rubs, soups, and stews and can be eaten fresh or dried.
To dry - shake off the dirt and any insects (do not wash), place on a cookie sheet in a single layer in a 175 degree oven for 90 minutes. Rub the leaves between your fingers, if the leaves crumble, then remove from the oven, if not, return to the oven for 20 more minutes and retest.
Green Leaf Lettuce
This Black Seeded Simpson leaf lettuce is a cut-and-come-again variety. Just pick the leaves you'd like from the plant, wash, and serve. While this lettuce can be stored in the fridge for a few days, it tastes best if you eat it immediately. I love pairing the lettuce with kale, spinach, basil, and fresh mozzarella.
Suggestions, Comments, and Ideas
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